Sunday, August 23, 2009

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On the path among the shadowy flowers Orry paused to take a small white tube from a case and insert it endwise between his lips sucking on it eagerly. Falk was too absorbed in other impressions to pay much heed but as if slightly embarrassed the boy explained "It's parŅŒtha a tranquillantthe Lords all use it; it has a very stimulating effect on the mind. If you'd care to" "No thanks. There are some more things I want to ask you. " He hesitated however. His new questions could not be entirely direct. Throughout the "Council" and Abundibot's explanations he had felt recurrently and uncomfortably that the whole thing was a performancea play such as he had seen on ancient telescrolls in the library of the Prince of Kansas the Dreamplay of Hain the mad old king Lir raving on a stormswept heath. But the curious thing was his distinct impression that the play was not being acted for his benefit but for Orry's. He did not understand why.
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